G1 - Collected learning logs for "The Fear" and "Miriam." Discussed "A Rose for Emily", "Porphyria's Lover" and "The Fear" as needed. Gave students copies of the vocabulary list for Unit #16, the Take-Home Test for the Horror Unit (4-5 page paper), new calendars that take us to the end of the semester, and a study guide. Assignment: Read the short biography on Nathaniel Hawthorne, read "The Minister's Black Veil," and complete the study guide which goes along with the story. Start working on the Take-Home test early. Don't wait until the night before it is due. Work on Extra Credit (due date is on the calendar). Start studying vocabulary as soon as possible as well.
G2/G3 - Collected homework (p. 566 #1, 2, 3, 4, and 6). Notes/discussion: Style, Voice, and Vignette (a brief, descriptive, literary sketch). Together, we read "The House on Mango Street." Writing Activity: Write a short, detailed vignette about something memorable from your childhood (preferrably something positive or happy). Assignment: Finish your one-page vignette. You may type it if desired. Read "The Princess and the Tin Box" (p. 766-768) and do questions #1-7 on p. 769.