G1 - Students were shown some examples of past projects. The organizational structure was shared and discussed. Meetings were held. Students had Day 1 of their project today. Not much was accomplished yet... we'll see how things go on Day 2. Assignments will vary at this point depending on what each Vice President assigns for his/her "employees" to do.
G2 - Distributed copies of student-generated vocabulary dictionaries for Night. (Parents, I will be the first one to admit to you that some of these are not too good. I promised the kids I would give them a class set, and this is what I received back from them. They are "rough" in many ways. Please be assured that this is NOT indicative of what I expect from my students... If you ask your child to see this dictionary, you will know what I mean.) Daily Oral Grammar Exercises #24-25. Spent some time reviewing for the test over Night. I quizzed the students and gave them 2 pieces of candy for correct responses. I saw more hands in the air for that particular activity than I have seen all semester. :) We were cut short a little bit today for Homeroom. Assignment: Study for the test over Night. The essay pre-writing was not assigned in G2 today. We will work on it together after the test on Monday.
G3 - Distributed copies of student-generated vocabulary dictionaries for Night. (Parents, I will be the first one to admit to you that some of these are not too good. I promised the kids I would give them a class set, and this is what I received back from them. They are "rough" in many ways. Please be assured that this is NOT indicative of what I expect from my students... If you ask your child to see this dictionary, you will know what I mean.) Daily Oral Grammar Exercises #24-25. Passed back some graded work and gave students a copy of an editorial that was printed in yesterday's Daily Reporter about the genocide which is still occurring in Darfur. It is important that our students know that genocide is still something we are fighting to stop, even today. Spent some time reviewing for the test over Night. I quizzed the students and gave them 2 M&Ms for correct responses. I saw more hands in the air for that particular activity than I have seen all semester. :) We were cut short a little bit today for Homeroom. At the end of each block, I gave students the materials they will need to start working on for the Response to Literature essay. I read through the four writing prompts with them and told them they need to complete the chart at the top of the first page of the packet. That's all they have to do for Monday. We'll continue the rest in class after they finish their tests. Assignment: Study for the test over Night. Complete the 4 part chart at the top of the first page of the writing packet. Bring your materials with you to class to work on after the test on Monday.
Homeroom between G3/G4 today.