G1/G2 - Act III: Scenes 4-5 Review Sheet DUE. Students worked with a partner to complete p. 1017 ?'s #1-6, and 8. If you were absent, please complete this on your own. We reviewed Act III and went over the review sheets that were passed back from last time (Act III: Scenes 1-3), then we read all of Act IV: Scenes 1-3 together in class, answering the review questions as we went. Assignment: If you were absent, complete p. 1017 #1-6, 8. Read Act IV: Scenes 1-3 and complete the Review Sheet that goes with it. Get caught up if you are behind!
G3- Act V: Scenes 1-3 Review Sheet DUE. Journal: Choose a prompt from questions #4, 5, or 7 on page 1050. Students spent the majority of the period working on a Review Sheet for Acts III, IV, and V as well as on some Elizabethan Translation Exercises. Assignment: Finish the Review Sheets and Translations. Start preparing for your test over Romeo and Juliet. You will also have a Binder Quiz sometime next week, so get your binder organized and ready for that. Be watching for an online Extra Credit opportunity. That will be coming up very soon, too! : )