Welcome back, everyone! :)
B2 - W131 - Discussed the nature of the course and shared a chart which details the differences between the ACP program through IU and the AP program. Next, we read through and thoroughly discussed the syllabus. I explained the requirements of the class and emphasized the importance of regular attendance and participation on daily assignments. Students received a number of handouts and resources today, including a homework calendar for our first unit of study and the article to be read for next time. Several students received books; others assured me that they have already purchased them on their own, and I will make sure those students have those textbook fees removed, if applicable. Students also received a blue binder and a set of 5 dividers. These will be organized by the five units of study: Intro/Summary, Critique, Comparative Critique, Comparative Analysis, and Research-Based Analysis. I also asked students to provide me with a current email address that I can use if and when it may be necessary. Assignment: Read the syllabus and sign the second copy of the form attached. Have your parents sign that form as well, then turn it in to me at the beginning of class on Friday. In addition, please read "The Difference Between High School and College," by Jack Meiland. As you read, pay attention to the author's main points. Highlight the five sentences in this article that you feel BEST summarize those main points. Be ready to discuss this article in class on Friday.
B3/B4 - English 10 - Today, we discussed the syllabus. I gave students a copy of the homework calendar, a letter to take home to their parents, and a parent contact information form to complete and have signed. Those forms should be returned to me in class on Friday. In addition, students received blue binders, textbooks, and a set of 5 dividers. The dividers will be organized by unit this year. The first tab will be Class Information. The second is for the Short Stories unit. The third is for Persuasion and Debate. Leave the last two blank for now. We'll fill those in later this semester. Assignment: Complete and return the parent contact information form for Friday.