B2 - Checked DEN's for "Will Your Marriage Last?" Discussed the article, and groups worked together to lay out the strengths and weaknesses of this article. Next, I asked groups to construct a sample analysis paragraph together. I gave them copies of the Critique Guidelines and a sample Works Cited page. Assignment: Final drafts of the Summary are due from this class on Wednesday. Be sure to print two copies and bring in the Rough Draft with my comments. In addition, type up a first draft of the Critique paper. In class on Wednesday, we will peer-edit the Critique drafts, then we will work on revisions. There is no computer lab available, so please BYOD. I will also ask you to finalize the registration process with IU for the college credits.
B3/B4 - Collected homework questions for "The Man in the Water." Notes: Features of a News Article. In class today, we read and discussed two short articles: "Girl, Trapped in Water for 55 Hours, Dies in Rescue Attempts" (p. 543-544) and "Nine-year-old Amber Colvin Rides out a Killer Flood in Ohio" (p. 111). Assignment: Read the two articles and complete the worksheet and questions #1-5 on page 545.