G2 - In class today, we discussed the subject of "Downtime." We then read "Doing Nothing is Something," by Anna Quindlen (p. 580-582). Students completed a chart over the essay's claim, support, and counterarguments. As time allowed, we walked through the questions at the end of the piece together. We had a little time at the end, so we went over Fragments (p. 116-119) and students completed and turned in the exercise at the bottom of page 119 for a grade. Assignment: Read "Abolishing the Penny Makes Good Sense" (p. 586+) and be ready for a quiz over this piece on Tuesday.
G3 - Groups presented their assigned versions of the Cinderella story to the class. Assignment: One group will present on Tuesday. Comparative Critiques Final Drafts (x2 copies with commented RD) are DUE on Tuesday. Read and do a DEN for the Bruno Bettelheim article, "'Cinderella': A Story of Sibling Rivalry and Oedipal Conflicts" (p. 651+).
G4 - In class today, students took an Opininnaire and discussed the subject of "Downtime" in small groups. We then read "Doing Nothing is Something," by Anna Quindlen (p. 580-582). Groups worked together to complete a chart over the essay's claim, support, and counterarguments. As time allowed, we walked through the questions at the end of the piece together. Students were then asked to complete #10 writing a complete MESHY style paragraph. Assignment: Read "Abolishing the Penny Makes Good Sense" (p. 586+) and be ready for a quiz over this piece on Tuesday. In addition, you should be studying for the SAT Vocab. Test for List #16, which will be Thursday.