G2 - The project was supposed to be due today. I created a sample project and a rubric and showed those to them at the beginning of the block. I had a sneaking suspicion that the majority of these two classes wouldn't be ready, especially after they saw the sample and rubric that I made, so I threw them a lifeline and gave them one more day in the computer lab. Students were given almost the entire block today to fine-tune and finish their projects. Projects are DUE on Wednesday. No exceptions at this point unless we've spoken about an extension due to absences.
G3 - Collected Comparative Analysis Draft #4 for my comments today and checked the three inquiry questions for the Research-Based Analysis. I gave them input on the questions when they showed them to me. With the remainder of the block, I went through the specs on the Writing Plan assignment and gave them ideas about how to take notes over the research by documenting sources along the way and information about how to create their bibliography entries. At the end of the block, I passed back the Comparative Critique assignment. Assignment: Work on RESEARCH! Writing Plan Assignment due Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break.
G4 - The project was supposed to be due today. I created a sample project and a rubric and showed those to them at the beginning of the block. Even though almost everyone was ready, I wanted to give them the extra day, especially after they saw the sample and rubric that I made. Students were given almost the entire block today to fine-tune and finish their projects. Projects are DUE on Wednesday. No exceptions at this point unless we've spoken about an extension due to absences.