G2 - Grammar Practice: Run-ons, Fragments, and Sentences. Students completed a worksheet in class for practice today. Next we began watching and evaluating political ads for their claims, support, counterarguments, purpose, messages, persuasive techniques, etc. We were able to watch and discuss two ads today. We will continue this activity in class on Friday. Assignment: None!
G3 - Students finished watching Cinderella Man in class today. After spending some time reviewing a variety of scenes, we reviewed the requirements and focus of the paper a little bit. Assignment: Draft #1 due on Friday. This includes your title (which is the question you want to answer in the paper), the Introduction paragraph (including your thesis), and your 2-3 Analysis paragraphs which answer the question raised. Be sure to write these analysis paragraphs about the movie and create them as a three-way conversation about one aspect of the question. The three voices are your own, Bettelheim's, and Yolen's. Use the overlapping ideas between the articles and the list of 14 variants as a starting point for generating a question that will work well in this paper.
G4 - Grammar Practice: Run-ons, Fragments, and Sentences. Students completed a worksheet in class for practice today. We spent some time reviewing the notes on Argument and Persuasion, including Logos, Pathos, Ethos. Next we began watching and evaluating political ads for their claims, support, counterarguments, purpose, messages, persuasive techniques, etc. We were able to watch and discuss two ads today. We will continue this activity in class on Friday. Assignment: None!