B1/B2 - We finished our poetry terms today. I shared a couple of videos, and we discussed the idea of Helping Others (theme of the day) as a transition from Immigration Reform to Thanksgiving this week. In class, we read "The Peruvian Child" by Pat Mora (p. 548) and, in B2, "Lady Freedom Among Us" (p. 550-551). B1 - No Assignment! B2 - SAT Vocab. Test #18 next time.
B3 - I checked outlines. Students received feedback on their Writing Plans. Grades are posted. Students worked in the computer lab on their drafts today. Assignment: For next time, I want to see at least 4 pages typed toward your draft. You should complete the Introduction, Background, and Analysis sections. In addition, I would also like to see a Works Cited page next time so that we can begin double-checking your in-text citations for plagiarism errors.