B1/B2 - Today's poetry theme was The End of the World. Depending on the class, the schedule was a little bit different. Both classes read and discussed "A Song on the End of the World." Students worked with partners to write down 10 things for this poem and turned it in for points. In B2, we also generated a master list of journals from this semester. I gave students the list of 30 Poetry terms to study for the Poetry Vocab. Test on Thursday of next week. Assignments: You will be tested over 30 of the Poetry Terms on Finals Day as your Poetry Test (30 matching terms). I have posted the entire Poetry Terms Powerpoint Presentation on Moodle. Bring your textbooks to turn in to me on Tuesday. We will also play Vocabulary Bingo on Tuesday with the poetry terms. B2: Journals are due to me on Tuesday.
B3 - The first two groups presented their final presentations today. Presentations will continue on Tuesday. Assignments: Final Drafts of the Research-Based Analysis paper are due on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. Please pay close attention to the individualized due dates you have been given on your Rough Draft comment sheets. Final Presentations will be given by Groups 3 and 4 next time.