B1/B2 - Textbooks DUE. B2: Journals DUE. Students played Poetry Vocabulary Bingo today. I collected books, graded journals in B2, and that was about all we were able to do. Assignments: Study for the Poetry Vocab. Test for Finals Day. Look over your notes for the semester. The full Poetry Terms Powerpoint Presentation is posted on Moodle.
B3 - Research-Based Analysis papers were due from most of the class today. I passed back about half of the Final Drafts of the Comparative Analysis paper today. I will have the rest of them finished by Thursday. Two groups presented their final presentations. Assignments: The last 2 groups will present on Thursday. The remaining Final Drafts of the Research-Based Analysis will be due on Thursday. I will have surveys for you to complete for IU that day if you are taking the course for credit at IU. Please be patient with me as we finish up the semester. I will do my best to get Final Presentations graded and posted by the end of the week. I still have participation scores to configure, and it will take me quite a while to read and grade the Final Drafts of the Research-Based Analysis. If you have any MAJOR concerns about your grades, email me. Aside from that, follow the feedback you have been given on Rough Drafts to help you improve your papers to the best of your ability.