G1/G4 - In class today, students worked on writing their introduction paragraphs. I continued to call students up individually to check source information packets and outline worksheets. As time allowed, I called them up to look at typed outlines and Works Cited pages online. Assignment: Finish your introduction paragraph for Tuesday. If you are behind on ANYTHING, use the weekend to be caught up. This will make the whole process go that much more smoothly for all of us.
G2 - SAT Vocab. Test #20 and Quiz #1 over Book I: Chapters 1-5. Journal: In light of what we know from 1984, what does it mean to be naïve (in Winston’s world or in our own, today)? Several students shared their journals. Next, I randomly chose people to present their "Powerful Person" research that they were asked to look into for today. If I did not call on you today, be prepared with the information next time. We'll try to do a few of these reports each day. I have asked students to keep a list as the information is presented to them about each person. These will show up on the test at the end of this unit. Students worked in their groups to wrap up the definitions of the terms and discussion questions from Chapters 1-5 that we started going through last time. Assignment: Read Book I: Chapters 7-8 (p. 60-87). Please skip Chapter 6.