B2/B3 - I checked Double-Entries for "A Shared Sadness." We discussed the article and the various communities in which we are a part. Next, we charted out the strengths and weaknesses of this article. For the rest of the block, groups worked on their sample analysis paragraphs for "The Plug-In Drug." Assignment: Read "Boy, You Fight Like a Girl," by Alex Pham, and complete a double-entry. Work on supplementary readings. Final Drafts of the Summary are due on Tuesday for B2 and on Thursday for B3. Be sure to print two copies for me for some extra points and bring back the rough draft with my comments.
B4 - Study Guides for Chapters 12-14 DUE. Next, they completed the vocabulary worksheet for those chapters. In class today, students watched a Little Rascals episode to help them imagine a little more about the time period. At the end of the block, we began reading Chapter 15 out loud together. Assignment: Read Chapters 15-17 and be ready for a quiz. Do the study guide for these chapters for next time.