G1 - Summary Draft #1 for Milgram article DUE. Summary Draft #1 for Practice and an Extra Check DUE. In class today, we motored through quite a few things. I assigned groups today. Students were given back their goals with feedback and directions for next steps (rewrite, type, print). Please don't send me your typed goals. Print a copy to show me in class. You’ll be putting the copy of your printed goals in your binder. For the remainder of the block, I showed the second clip from the Dateline episode we began a couple of class periods ago, discussed the Milgram article, and peer-edited students' drafts. Students were asked to review a set of Guidelines for Summary Writing (on Moodle) prior to peer-editing. Assignment: Revise or type goals and print a copy to show me next time. In addition, please read "The Stanford Prison Experiment" by Philip Zimbardo (in your book on p. 105+ or Google the title and article) and type up and submit a one-page draft #1 summary on Google Classroom prior to class next time.
G3/G4 - Students worked with partners to complete a vocabulary pre-reading activity. We went over that together, then we started reading To Kill a Mockingbird in class together. We read for about an hour as a class (I read Chapters 1 and 2 out loud, and we stopped to discuss a few things along the way.). Students then read quietly and worked on their worksheets on their own for the last ten minutes today. Assignment: Read Chapter 3 and complete the worksheet as you read. I will collect it at the beginning of the block next time for a grade.