G1 - We had four students give Book Talks in class today. Students spent some time reading their pleasure reading books. Journal: Write about your writing style and process. Is it more natural for you to write Formally? Informally? In a Journalistic style? or is it natural for you to write in a more Literary style? After sharing a few journals, we read and discussed "Eleven," by Sandra Cisneros (handout). Next, I shared the Personal Narrative Assignment (posted on Moodle), and we walked through the first stages for Brainstorming. Students were asked to write a list of 5-10 "indelible" (unerasable) memories in their journals. From there, I shared a sample Storyboard I created and walked through what I did to create mine. Assignment: Finalize your "indelible memory" and create a Storyboard in a Google Doc or on Google Slides. Submit it on Google Classroom before class on Tuesday (more details posted on Google Classroom).
G2 - DENs for "Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance" DUE. We discussed the magazine ads as well as the Worley article and the subject matter therein. For the remainder of the block, students completed a comparison/contrast activity to introduce the main concept of the Comparative Critique paper. At the end of the block, I directed students to Moodle for the Exit Slip. Assignments: Complete the Candy Activity Exit Slip posted on Moodle as soon as possible. Read "Too 'Close to the Bone': The Historical Context for Women's Obessession with Slenderness" (p. 167+), and do a DEN.
G3 - Students took a Reading Comprehension Assessment over the skills we have been reviewing and working on in class today. All late work was due by the end of the block. No Assignment!