B1 - Storyboards for Narrative Assignment DUE (on Google Classroom). We had three Book Talks this morning, then students spent some time reading their pleasure reading books. Instead of a journal today, we walked through all 10 of the prompts students have been assigned, and I asked students to prepare their journals for a participation grade for Wednesday. Journals should have a title, the date, and at least half a page of writing. I will collect them and grade them in class on Wednesday. I checked Storyboards and returned those as well as all other graded work. Grades are current in this class right now. Next, we read and discussed "Eleven" (Handout), by Sandra Cisneros. We talked about the creative imagery and word choice within her piece. Students were asked to keep those things in mind while writing their personal narratives. The rest of the block (about 25 minutes) was devoted to time writing drafts of the Personal Narrative. Assignments: Journals and Rough Drafts of the Personal Narrative are due on Wednesday at the beginning of the block. Students may handwrite their drafts or submit an electronic copy in a Google Doc on Google Classroom. If students handwrite their drafts, they must have them to show me on Wednesday.
B3/B4 - We began with some quick notes on Historical Narrative, Cause and Effect, and the 5W's and one H of news reporting. Next, I asked students to write a journal about flooding. This could be written in a news report format, creatively, fiction/nonfiction, etc. After sharing a few of their journals, I shared a 15 minute History Channel clip about the Johnstown Flood of 1889. We then read the story, "The Johnstown Flood." Students were asked to make a list of at least 10 details in order to create a timeline of events of the story. Assignment: For Wednesday, jot down ten events to create a timeline for "The Johnstown Flood," and complete questions #3, 5, 6, 7, 9 at the end. Be sure to write through and detailed responses to the questions. The story and questions are posted on Moodle.