Mrs. Northouse was out for a conference today, but this was the general plan:
B1 - Students were asked to read their pleasure reading books in class today. Next, they were given a copy of Sandra Cisneros's story, "Barbie-Q" to read and discuss as a class. For the rest of the block, students were expected to fine-tune and finalize their Personal Narratives, getting peer-feedback in class. Assignment: Personal Narratives were due at 3:30pm today as instructed on Google Classroom, sub plans, Homework Calendars, etc.
B3/B4 - Homework questions for "The Man in the Water" DUE. Students were asked to write a half-page journal entry about the topic/subject of "Fire." They were asked to copy notes on Narrative Nonfiction (on Moodle). For the remainder of the block, they were given a short video to watch about the Storm King Mountain fire disaster (link on Moodle), read the story (on Moodle or in class), complete a timeline worksheet, and work on Homework questions if time allowed. Assignment: Read the story, do the timeline, and complete homework questions #s 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. The story is available to you on Moodle.