G1 - Five students gave Book Talks today. Several people went to the library to return, renew, and exchange books, so reading time went a little bit long. Students updated their Book List (on Moodle), and I updated the Book Talk Calendar for the rest of the semester so students can begin planning their second and third Book Talks (on Moodle). For the rest of the block, I shared a brief presentation on Tone and Mood and some related videos. Assignment: For the Common Quarterly Assessment, I recommend re-reading through your notes from this semester. You will be given a new short story to read, and you will have several questions to answer about it, using the skills we have been practicing (Characterization, Irony, Similes, Theme, Mood, Tone, Dialogue, etc.) Truly, the best way to prepare is to simply re-read through your notes over all of these skills.
G2 - I checked Comparative Critique Draft #2 (two analysis paragraphs), and students peer-edited them today. We discussed binders and how to prepare for the preliminary check on Friday (print and organize what you can). The rest of the block was open for students to work on revisions and binders in class today. Assignments: Draft #2 (three analysis paragraphs) is due on Friday for peer-editing. Final Drafts of the Critique paper are due on Friday, unless you email me ahead of time to request a formal extension. I will be checking Binders to give you a quick status check prior to the end of the semester, and I will have several items printed for you to include in your binders. If you have not watched a documentary for this unit, you need to do that and do a double-entry over that documentary. I know this seems like a lot right now, but prioritizing these assignments should help. The only one of these four assignments with an actual grade attached to it right now is the Critique Final Draft. Everything else is part of the participation grade, and that is a much less important part of your overall grade for the semester. Email me if you have questions or need extended time. I am happy to give you the time you need over Break to produce quality work if you need that time. Don’t be afraid to ask.
G3 - Homework questions and timeline worksheets for "Blowup: What Went Wrong at Storm King Mountain" were DUE. In class today, we compiled a class list of journal prompts from this quarter (posted on Moodle). Next, we reviewed Tone and Mood (Google Slides presentation posted on Moodle). I shared some video clips and an interesting article with a very distinctive Tone and Voice. For the rest of the block, students were given time to work on their journals and make-up or late work from these past three stories. Assignment: Please review your notes for the Common Quarterly Assessment next time (all notes are still posted on Moodle). Journals will be collected and graded for participation points next time. If you were absent, you are still responsible for those journals you missed. Any late or absent work from this current unit (the last 3 stories) is due by the end of the block on Friday.