G1 - We had five Book Talks today, then I passed back a small mountain of graded work. Students were given some time to study prior to taking the test over Acts I and II. Test Review Sheets were due today. After the test, they were given time to read. Assignments: None! :)
G2 - Draft #3 of the Comparative Analysis was due for peer-editing today. Everyone also needed to turn in three potential inquiry questions for the Research-Based Analysis paper. I checked questions in class (as much as possible) today and gave students my opinions on their topics. After peer-editing, we reviewed Bibliography and Note Cards lectures (on Moodle) and the Writing Plan assignment (also on Moodle). Assignment: The Official Rough Drafts of the Comparative Analysis paper are due next time for my comments. Start working on gathering your chosen sources for your paper. The Writing Plan assignment is due on Monday, November 21.
G3 - In class today, we started the Political Ad Campaign Project. The assignment and rubric are posted on Google Classroom. This was Day #1. Students will have three days in class to complete this project, and it is due right after Thanksgiving Break. I showed them a sample project and gave them quite a few ideas. Students may work on their own or with a partner, and they let me know their preferences in class today. I passed back a mountain of graded work in each class. Assignments: For Thursday, we will continue working on the Political Ad Campaign Project. You might want to bring in some clothes for a "photo shoot" for your website and possibly for a commercial.