G1 - We had 5 Book Talks today. After some reading time, students took notes over the material for “Pre-Act III” (on Moodle, if needed). From there, we started reading Act III: Scenes 1-2. Assignments: Finish reading Act III: Scenes 1-3, complete the review sheet, and do Words to Know Translation Exercise #3 for next time. After some review in class, you will have a short quiz over Act III: Scenes 1-3 next time. Materials are posted on Moodle.
G2 - Comparative Analysis Rough Drafts (electronic drafts) DUE. I asked students to type up their initial Inquiry Questions on Google Classroom so we could check for overlaps. Students were then given the rest of the block to work on research and Writing Plans. Assignments: Writing Plans are due on Monday. Please print a copy to turn in AND submit it on Google Classroom for me.
G3 - Students were given the entire block to work on their Political Ad Campaign Projects today. I was able to finally get caught up on my grading for this class, and all grades are now current. I apologize to everyone for the long delay. Assignment: Continue working on your Political Ad Campaign Project. These projects are due as soon as you come back from Thanksgiving Break.