B1 - We had five Book Talks this morning. I collected Review Sheets for Act III: Scenes 1-3 and Words To Know Translation Exercise #3. (No one emailed me or contacted me for an extension.) We reviewed Act III: Scenes 1-3, then students were placed in small groups to complete a STEAL chart for an assigned character. They began working on their character posters before the end of the block. Assignment: Book Talk #2 is due from everyone by Tuesday. We'll continue the poster activity next time. You will also have a quiz over Act III: Scenes 1-3 on Tuesday.
B3/B4 - I collected E-Learning assignments from a small handful of students today. No one emailed me for an extension. Students were given the entire block to work on their Political Ad Campaign Projects today. I am caught up on my grading for these classes, and all grades are current. Assignment: E-Learning assignments are due on Tuesday. There will be no extensions beyond Tuesday, and they will not be collected late. Continue working on your Political Ad Campaign Project. These projects are due as soon as you come back from Thanksgiving Break.