G1 - Book Talk #2 DUE. We had one Book Talk this morning. I collected Review Sheets for Act III: Scenes 1-3 and Words To Know Translation Exercise #3. After some reading time, we quickly reviewed Act III: Scenes 1-3, then students took a short quiz. For the rest of the block, students were placed in small groups to complete a STEAL chart for an assigned character. They were asked to finish the STEAL charts before the end of the block. Assignment: We'll work on the poster portion of this activity next time. There is no assignment over Thanksgiving Break. :)
G2 - Writing Plans were DUE. I passed back Comparative Critique Final Drafts today. We went through the outline assignment together. Students had the rest of the block to start working on their Outlines for the Research-Based Analysis. There is a template on Moodle. Assignments: Research-Based Analysis Outlines are due next time. Print a copy for your binder.
G3 - Students were given the entire block to work on their Political Ad Campaign Projects today. Today was Day #3. I am caught up on my grading for this class, and all grades are current. Assignment: Continue working on your Political Ad Campaign Project. These projects are due as soon as you come back from Thanksgiving Break.