B1 - Book Talk #2 DUE. We had seven Book Talks today. Students were given an opportunity to turn in late E-Learning assignments for full credit. We had a few minutes for students to review Act III: Scenes 1-3 prior to taking the quiz today. After the quiz, we read and discussed Act III: Scenes 4-5, and students began working on their review sheets while we read. Assignment: Finish the Act III: Scenes 4-5 Review Sheet for next time. Materials are posted on Moodle if you need them.
B3/B4 - Students were given the entire block to work on their Political Ad Campaign Projects today. Today was Day #3. I am caught up on my grading for these classes, and all grades are current. Assignment: Continue working on your Political Ad Campaign Project. These projects are due as soon as you come back from Thanksgiving Break.