G1 - Act V: Scenes 1-3 Review Sheet DUE. We had several Book Talks today. I distributed test review sheets, and students presented the answers to 2 questions to the class to make the best use of our time. We made a class list of journal prompts from this quarter, and I posted the list on Moodle. Assignment: You will have a test over Acts III, IV, and V on Friday. Study the test review sheet we completed as a class. Those are due for minimal participation points on Friday. Journals are also due on Friday. The list of journal prompts and extra test review sheets are posted on Moodle, if you need them. For now, don't worry about the Translation Exercises. I may add something like this to the Final Exam.
G2 - Comparative Analysis Final Drafts DUE. I distributed a few handouts for your binders. The rest of the block was devoted to revisions on the final paper and working on putting binders together. Assignment: Final Drafts of the Research-Based Analysis paper are due on Tuesday. Be sure to bring back your copies of Writing Analytically on Tuesday. You will need your Binder ready for assessment on Tuesday as well. There is no immediate assignment for Friday.
G3 - Journals DUE. Ted Talk Analysis Assignment DUE (on Google Classroom). I distributed a Final Exam Review Sheet (list of skills which will be tested, not questions). For the rest of the block, students were asked to organize their binders and complete any late work they might still have from this quarter and turn it in by the end of the period. Assignment: You will have a Binder Quiz next time. Materials you might need are posted on Moodle. You will not be allowed to use your MacBooks on the Binder Quiz, so please come with everything prepared ahead of time.