G1 - In class today, students watched a documentary over The Scottsboro Boys and their trials. They were asked to take notes over the video as they watched it. This took the entire period today. No Assignment!
G3 - Chapter 11 Study Guides or Learning Logs DUE. Students were given a few minutes to look over Chapter 11 prior to taking their quiz. After the quiz, students wrote a half-page journal response about how realistically Golding portrayed the themes of Power and Leadership in the novel. I asked them to comment on their own leadership skills and abilities as well. After sharing a few journal responses, students were asked to begin reading Chapter 12. I passed back quite a bit of graded work today. I am getting close to being caught up at this point. Please check PowerSchool to see what you are missing. Green check marks without a score on PowerSchool indicate that I do have the assignment from the student, but it is not graded yet. Assignment: Finish the book. Complete the Chapter 12 Study Guide or Learning Log. Be ready for a final quiz next time.
G4 - I checked Double-Entries for "A Shared Sadness." We discussed the article and the various communities in which we are a part. Next, we charted out the strengths and weaknesses of this article. For the rest of the block, groups worked on their sample analysis paragraphs for "The Plug-In Drug." Assignment: Read "Boy, You Fight Like a Girl," by Alex Pham, and complete a double-entry. Work on supplementary readings.