B1 - After Pleasure Reading, we had some Book Talks and some make-up Project Presentations. For the rest of the block, students were given instructions and materials (on Google Classroom) for writing the Argumentative Statement portion of the political ad campaign project. This writing assignment is individualized, and it will be the last part of the project grade. Assignment: Argumentative Statements are due on Wednesday.
B2/B3 - Comparative Analysis Final Drafts DUE. Research-Based Analysis Rough Drafts DUE for peer-editing. We spent some focused time working on the rough drafts in groups with peer-editing, etc. At the end of the block, I started sharing a former paper to encourage students to do their best on the final paper. Assignment: Research-Based Analysis papers will be due for peer-editing again on Wednesday, then they are due to me at the end of the block for my comments/feedback.