B1 - Journal: Write about the first time you saw snow OR Write about a favorite "Snow" Memory. After sharing a few responses, we went over the Review Sheet for Chapters 8-9 and the vocabulary for Chapters 10-11. For the remainder of the block, we read Chapter 10 together. Assignment: For Wednesday, read Chapter 11 and complete the review sheet. On Wednesday, E-Learning Day, you will be reading and taking notes over the Scottsboro Boys and their trial. Information will be posted for you on Google Classroom Wednesday morning.
B2 - In class today, we started presentations for the Greek 2 list. Assignment: Those of you who are doing "review games" should submit your roots and vocabulary items on the Google Doc that Grace shared in class with you today. Those are due on Wednesday.
B4 - Microtheme #1 DUE. In class today, after collecting the first official paper, I asked students to generate some questions about the obedience unit which might make good starting points for a research paper at the end of the semester. From there, I distributed copies of the next unit's homework calendar, the first article for the unit, the second Microtheme assignment sheet, a sample article, a copy of the Double-Entry Notebook expectations, and the E-Learning Day assignment. For the rest of the block, students worked on a sample analysis paragraph for the article, "The Plug-In Drug." Assignment: For Wednesday, read "Psychology of Happiness" and do a Double-Entry Notebook assignment. E-Learning Day assignments have been posted on Google Classroom and will be clarified again here on Wednesday.