B2 - Microtheme #1 DUE. After collecting papers, I asked students to generate some inquiry-based questions for potential use on the Research-Based Analysis paper at the end of the unit. Those questions were submitted through the Google Doc posted on Moodle at the bottom of the page. After some thinking and discussion, we then moved on to some discussion questions to begin our second unit, the Critique. I distributed copies of the Homework Calendar for this unit (which also lives on Google Classroom as a live document), then we discussed the Double-Entry Notebook assignment expectations (template on Moodle). From there, I walked through the upcoming Microtheme #2 Assignment sheet, and we read/discussed "The Plug-In Drug" to begin practicing some "critique" strategies. Assignment: Read "The Psychology of Happiness" and complete a double-entry notebook assignment for Friday.
B3 - Article of the Week Response #2 (Procrastination) DUE. Students were given time for pleasure reading. We then read and discussed the primary themes and symbols in "Thank You, Ma'am," by Langston Hughes (handout). Journal: Brainstorm some lessons you have been taught and write about the people who taught you those lessons. Try to come up with several examples at this point to see what comes to the surface for you. After giving students time to write in their journals, we discussed some of the lessons they came up with in order to hone in on one that really resonates more than others. For the rest of the block, students were encouraged to lay out plans for a Letter of Gratitude to the person who taught the lesson. We'll pick this up again in class on Friday. No Additional Assignment.
B4 - In class today, we started with Pleasure Reading. From there, I shared a mentor text, "The Fish," and we discussed the vivid imagery and language used to describe that fish. From there, students were asked to write a "Snapshot Journal" today about someone they love and admire, focusing on details, language, and vivid imagery to describe that person. After sharing some of their descriptions, we then moved back to "A Sound of Thunder." Students were asked to write a paragraph in which they comment on the effectiveness of Bradbury's descriptions of 1. Time Travel, 2. the Jurassic Time Setting, or 3. The T-Rex. Students only needed to choose one of those options to explore in their responses. Assignment: Article of the Week Response #2 is due on Friday.