B2 - Comparative Critique Final Drafts DUE. Double-Entries for the Schectman article DUE. In class today, we discussed the article for the majority of the block. At the end of the block, I handed out the next article and a description of the Comparative Analysis paper. We'll discuss those next time. Assignment: Read Jane Yolen's article, "America's 'Cinderella'" and do a double-entry notebook assignment for it. That will be the last double-entry grade.
B3 - Digital Assignment for "MOVE" DUE. In class today, students jigsawed 15 articles in their groups and reported info back to the class to cover an extended history of the LRA movement, Joseph Kony's whereabouts, and the current status of Invisible Children. Assignment: Article of the Week Response #6 (Gun Control) is due on Friday.
B4- In class today, we reviewed the notes on "Shakespearean Drama," which students were asked to copy from Moodle for today. Next, we went over some Elizabethan Words to Know, notes over "Romeo and Juliet," and we read/discussed the Prologue and the beginning of Act I: Scene 1. Materials are available on Moodle. Assignments: Article of the Week Response #6 (Sleep Part 2) is due on Friday. Please finish reading Act I: Scene 1 for Friday as well. Materials are posted on Moodle.