G2/G3 - Article of the Week Response #4 ("Herd Mentality") DUE. Students wrote a half-page journal about being accused of something they did not do. After sharing a few journal responses, we went over the Review Guide for Chapters 22-25 and completed the pre-reading vocabulary assignment for Chapters 26-31 (last one!). Students were given time to read quietly on their own for the rest of the block. Assignment: Read Chapters 26-28. Be ready for a quiz next time over Chapters 22-28.
G4 - DENs for "Fat and Happy..." DUE. We discussed the article and watched a related TED Talk in class today. I distributed the next assignment. That was all we had time for. Assignment: Read "Too 'Close to the Bone'..." and do a DEN. Watch a documentary and do a DEN if you have time to knock it out this weekend.