B1/B4 - Quiz: Chapters 15-21. Journal: Write from the perspective of a person on Tom Robinson's jury who is the only person who believes he is innocent. After sharing/discussion, we went through the review sheet for Ch. 18-21. We then covered vocabulary for Ch. 22-25. For the remainder of the block, we started reading Ch. 22-23 together. Assignment: Read Chapters 22-25, complete the review sheet, and prepare your AOW Response for Article #4 for Tuesday.
B3 - Rough Draft Part II DUE. I went through all of them and gave comments/feedback to help kids continue. The rest of the block was mostly spent fielding technology problems. Assignment: A full rough draft is due for a massive peer-editing session on Tuesday. In addition, the entire list of sources (Works Cited) should be submitted for me to check. We will worry about deleting unused sources later.